IDROMAT 190 FRUMENTO 747 Z AV 30% gloss Waterbased matt trasparent tixotropic for exterior, lightly spotted, with high viscosity

Opaque water soluble lightly coloured tixotropy for fixtures and exterior manufacture.

Good filling, tixotropy, trasparence and fast drying.

The product is lightly spotted to increase the power of filter to UV rays.

Excellent resistance at UV rays.  

Consumption (single layer): 200-250 g / sq. M

During a dust-free: 30 minutes (at 20 ° C)

Possibility of grinding: 6:00 hours

Dry to the touch: 2 hours

Possibility of repeating: 1-2 hours

Application: gun, brush, airless spraying

Dilution: water 10%
